Study Polish -
for good times and bad times!

Offer for Companies


  • Would you like to be admired by your colleagues?
  • Would you like to make your colleagues jealous ?
  • Would you like to be held up by your boss as an example to follow ?

Everybody who has worked abroad for some time knows how difficult it is to get accustomed to a new country and a new job. At first, you are extremely busy. There are so many new things to be learned. You are lucky if you happen to know the local language, if you don’t know it, well,…. you are less lucky. The struggle to be understood by all these new people around you. The burning need to communicate. And the awful thought that you cannot have a proper conversation with anybody. It’s so uncomfortable. On the one hand, you have so many new tasks and challenges but on the other, you feel you have to find the time to learn the language. But no, you are too tired to make the effort. Most people give up and decide to rely on English.

However they will never feel the satisfaction of overcoming the internal resistance and speaking the language of the country they are in. Gary Small, the author of the Memory Bible says that the best exercise for the mind is doing crosswords, reading and foreign language learning.

We all know that to be effective at work, in any position, we have to understand the people we work with. It is not possible without knowing their language.

To be effective at work you have to be able to make contacts with your colleagues. The contact is not possible if you do not know their way of thinking, their habits, their language.

The manager can control his or her people using some general standards but will not be able to understand their problems and mistakes without knowing their culture, habits and language. The manager is not able to motivate subordinates to work more effectively without knowing the relevant factors. Awareness of social and economic reality, recent events and language are indispensable.

Some fundamental knowledge of the language facilitates cooperation with local businesses.

The effort to learn the language will definitely be acknowledged and recognised by your colleagues. Your prestige will increase in the eyes of your Polish business partners and potential customers. You will be seen as a reliable representative of your company and in consequence your proposal will appeal to them more than the offers of other companies.

Being aware of all the aspects of adjustment to work in a new place and a new country, SCHOLA POLONICA offers special language courses for companies.

These are group courses for company employees. Their price is very attractive since the fee is paid not for individual students but for the whole group.

We offer also special language courses for managers and very busy personnel. Their timetable is flexible, days and time of lessons can change every week. Lessons can also take place on weekends, their time and duration can be adjusted to the needs of students.

Those that would like to acquire basic communication skills quickly may choose a super intensive 2 or 3 week course. Upon completion, students will be able to hold simple communication. Further learning can be continued in a less intensive mode.


Special offer for groups

  • (6 – 10 students in a group )
  • Regular courses ( 2 x week)
  • Intensive courses (3 x week, 2 -3 lessons)
  • Super intensive courses (crash) (6 lessons a day, 10 days, 60 lessons)

Individual courses

  • Regular courses – flexible schedule ( 2 x week)
  • Intensive courses (3 x week, 2 lessons )
  • Super intensive courses (crash) (6 lessons a day, 10 days, 60 lessons)
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